Chairman Message

Assalamu Alaikum! Greetings from Sheikh Agro Food Industries!

We strive to improve the quality of life for current and future generations through process safety and environmental protection practices. Innovation and versatility for recycling resources and converting waste into raw materials are our expertise and specialist knowledge. Our growth is impressive, and our profits are in line with expectations.

Though, the Covid Pandemic situation brought some challenges to the whole world. But we somehow survived it still since we produce food grains which are always in demand no matter what. We faced new challenges to import seeds from Ukraine especially due to the war, but we have overcome that mostly by now. Our company found ways to cope with this hard situation eventually, which is a milestone for the next generation as well. So, we must remain optimistic and think positively. Our innovative approach and ingenuity of thought will surely show us the way to success.

 However, our employees are fully focused and ready to do their best to meet your needs. From the day we started our journey, we continued our growth with tremendous improvement.

Best Regards,

Rafiqul Islam

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